
Condair Achieves Workplace Wellbeing Charter

Condair Limited has been accredited by the Workplace Wellbeing Charter, the national accreditation standard that recognises an organisation’s commitment to improving the lives of those who work there. Condair achieved the standard through initiatives such as the introduction of free staff health MOTs, subsidizing gym subscriptions, investing in sit-stand desks and appointing trained mental health first aiders.

Condair, the UK’s leading humidification specialist, employs 75 people, located either at its headquarters in West Sussex, or remotely situated around the UK, across its nationwide sales and service teams.

Tim Scott, head of sales at Condair, comments, “Employees who are happy and healthy are more engaged and productive in the workplace. We are very proud to have obtained this important accreditation, as it objectively demonstrates our commitment to continually improving the happiness, health and wellbeing of our staff.

“Condair has been at the forefront of the UK’s humidity control for 37 years. The fact that over half our staff have been with us for at least 10 years, and many for much longer, is testament to the importance we place on employee wellbeing and happiness. This doesn’t just make our day-to-day working lives more enjoyable but has a direct impact on the business’ profits. It helps us retain talented individuals, builds the most experienced workforce in the marketplace and ensures we deliver the best possible service to our customers.”

As part of the Workplace Wellbeing Charter accreditation, Condair was independently reviewed by a consultant, against a set of eight topic areas. These topics ranged from leadership and absence management to physical activity and healthy eating. The objective is to assess the company’s level of commitment to creating a culture that values health and wellbeing.

Tim Scott continues, “As an organisation, we have always been proactive about creating a happy workplace, with regular social events playing an important part in building a cooperative and friendly team atmosphere. We also encourage staff to manage their own health through subsidizing gym subscriptions, promoting tax-free bike-to-work schemes, offering sit/stand desks, company bikes for staff use, free bi-annual health MOTs and offering medical cash plans, which allow staff access to cheaper healthcare services for things like dental, optometry or podiatry.

“Alongside these investments, we also provide services to employees such as workshops on stress management, healthy eating and mindfulness, give staff support to stop smoking and allow time-shifting in working hours. Simply starting and finishing a working day at a slightly different time can improve a person’s work life balance and alleviate stress.

“Mental health has also been a focus for us in recent years. As well as internally promoting government initiatives like Mental Health Awareness Week, we have appointed and trained two mental health first aiders. These individuals are able to offer direct and confidential support to people who need it. As well as this one-to-one support, employees also have access to a confidential helpline, with experts who can provide advice on a range of topics from bereavement and debt to health and relationships.” Tim concludes.

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Condair Achieves Workplace Wellbeing Charter

Tim Scott, head of sales at Condair plc, comments, "We are proud to have obtained this important accreditation."

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